SE -post emancipation tech success
I have read elsewhere some gloomy comments about how specialist economies crash after emancipation becomes available to your rivals. The typical solution offered to this problem is a managed switch to a CE. I have found however three simple ploys help maintain and even continue growth for a SE even after emancipation without trying to pull off a mass switch to cottages.
So to recap the situation the typical SE is in at the time emancipation becomes available - running representation for the beaker bonus and running caste system for the unlimited scientists. Emancipation becomes available and other civs start switching over. As more and more civs switch over to emancipation your caste system economy gets lumbered with increasing unhappiness.
I have read elsewhere some gloomy comments about how specialist economies crash after emancipation becomes available to your rivals. The typical solution offered to this problem is a managed switch to a CE. I have found however three simple ploys help maintain and even continue growth for a SE even after emancipation without trying to pull off a mass switch to cottages.
So to recap the situation the typical SE is in at the time emancipation becomes available - running representation for the beaker bonus and running caste system for the unlimited scientists. Emancipation becomes available and other civs start switching over. As more and more civs switch over to emancipation your caste system economy gets lumbered with increasing unhappiness.